Monday, January 2, 2017

Welcome 2017

17 has always been my favorite number, I was even married on March 17! I am going to take that as a sign that this will be my best year yet. ;)

I need to take back myself a little bit, being a mom to three kids is absolutely amazing and they each bring something beautiful to my life but I don't want to forget that I have a purpose besides being their mommy. What that is? I'm not quite sure.

Writing Prompt #1: Happy New Year! Take a look at your annual goals for this year and decide what you can accomplish this month. Write your goals for the month, and think about how you will accomplish them.

My annual goals...hmm...Step 1, figure out my purpose.

Step 2: Reconnect with my husband as just that, my husband.

Step 3: Clean up our credit scores and try to move beyond living paycheck to paycheck.

Step 4: Try to win at least one IWG or sweepstakes a month as it is a hobby I enjoy.

Step 5: Give back in some way at least once a week!

This list is clearly a work in progress and it will continue to evolve as the year progresses.

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