Tuesday, July 17, 2012

12 Week & 2 Day Check-up

This weekend was awful. I should have known something was wrong when all I wanted to do was sleep. It then moved in to chills, shakes, body aches, headache, sweating fits, diarrhea & moved in to puking which turned in to heaving as all I had left in my stomach was bile.

At one point, I was sitting on the toilet and vomiting in to the garbage can in front of me - shaking and soaked from head to toe. (pretty picture isn't it?) and I felt something gush. When I wiped - I saw it was blood so I really started to panic. I ended up calling the doctor at 3:30 am - and she told me to wait until 8:30 and then call the clinic to come in.

I had an appointment set for yesterday anyways - so I just called in and had it moved from 4:30 to 10 am. I will admit, I was totally terrified.

The nurse checked me out - the bleeding had stopped and my cervix was still closed. :) She then tried to locate a heartbeat but was unable too, so they took me in to have an ultrasound. Baby is totally healthy and normal & growing strong. It was quite the relief. I have some u/s pics now of the little bean!

Beginning Weight: 217 lbs.

12 Week Check-in: 209.6 lbs

Blood Pressure: 128/70

Heart BPM: 171 bpm

Length: 2 1/4 inches

Craving of the week: Tomatoes & Ice Water

Book I'm reading: The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn by Robin Maxwell

Current TV obession: Hoarders, Gossip Girl & The Hutterites

The doctor gave me a shot for naseau - let me tell you - did that ever burn!!! It also knocked me on my hiney - so I slept most of the day. I did end up having to go back at 4:30 in the afternoon as I am RH negative.

Being RH Negative and having the babies blood mix with mine had created a havoc in my body. My body basically is/was trying to fight the baby off as if it were an illness or a disease. So...more shots! Doctor gave me a shot of RhoGAM. I have to carry a card around in my purse now at all times stating that I have had this shot.

Also have a prescription for Promethzine (anti-naseau) - it totally knocks me out, so I am not taking it this week while I am at work. From yesterdays dose, I am still disoriented and drowsy.

Oh - and! Eric & I saw the baby jumping around, touching his/her fingers to it's toes. We were sooooo happy to see that. Definitely a mover in there.